As with any science experiment there are trial runs to see if an idea can be executed! So, I took some photos on 35mm Superia 200 film and put some bacteria on the film and see if it will grow directly on the film. I ended up using four petri dishes with eight negatives (so 2 in each dish) four negatives had some bacteria that was just beginning to grow applied and then two had some ‘bad’ orange fluffy bacteria streaked on and the other two had some ‘bad’ blue tiny dots of bacteria streaked on. Not quite sure of the origin (type) of the bacteria at the moment since it came from stock supplies at the lab at the Cavendish campus of Westminster University but that it was most likely some type of e-coli (the workhorse of bacteria apparently). All four petri dishes are being stored at 37° C and will be checked for growth and development on Monday (29/2/16 – Bonus Day).