

I've been looking at Chronophotography in my studies of motion analysis lately and have found it to be much more interesting then I initially thought it would be.  Chronophotography captures the movement of a subject in several frames but in the end displays it in one single image.  So, for example a person walking across a scene, the person would be displayed taking like 6 steps and it would look they are traveling across the image.  They are normally taken for the purpose of recording successive phases of motion of a moving object.  Surprisingly, this type of photography was invented back in 1867!  Isn't that crazy to think of?!  Much of the development of cinema has been linked to chronophotography and some of it's early pioneers such as Edweard Muybridge, Etienne- Jules Marey and George Demeny.  This type of photography can be accomplished using several methods from multiple exposures on the same slide to using image editing software or even with the use of a strobe light.  I am going to work on some examples of this soon (most likely digital to start)!